
Yoshinori Kagawa


第64回    日本消化器外科学会学術総会 優秀賞 (2009)

第2回    ライカ顕微鏡フォトコンテスト 最優秀賞 (2010)

第56回   関西STOMA研究会 最優秀賞 (2014)

第2回     大阪大学消化器外科 手術ビデオ賞(2016)

第39回   癌局所療法研究会 優秀賞 (2017)

第39回   日本ストーマ・排泄リハビリテーション学会 優秀演題(2022)

第22回   大阪病院学会 優秀賞 (2023)

第36回   日本内視鏡外科学会 優秀演題賞 (2023)


大阪大学大学院消化器外科学 博士課程修了





文部科学省 2012年度科研費 若手B 賀川義規(がんの生体イメージング)

文部科学省 次世代がん研究シーズ戦略育成プログラム 「ARHGAPを標的としたがん細胞浸潤を抑制する新規治療法の開発」 石井優 賀川義規

文部科学省 2024年度科研費 Radiogenopathomicsに基づく局所進行直腸癌に対するTNTの効果予測AIモデルを構築 基盤C 賀川義規


国内特許 新規抗腫瘍剤及びそのスクリーニング方法 特許第5854569号 (P5854569) 賀川義規、石井優、森正樹ら

国際特許 Novel antitumor agent and method for screening same WO 2013111897 A1 Y.Kagaawa、M.Ishii、M.Moriら


1.    Kagawa Y, Smith JJ, Fokas E, Watanabe J, Cercek A, Greten FR, Bando H, Shi Q, Garcia-Aguilar J, Romesser PB et al: Future direction of total neoadjuvant therapy for locally advanced rectal cancer. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 2024.

2.    Kagawa Y, Watanabe J, Uemura M, Ando K, Inoue A, Oba K, Takemasa I, Oki E: Short-term outcomes of a prospective multicenter phase II trial of total neoadjuvant therapy for locally advanced rectal cancer in Japan (ENSEMBLE-1). Ann Gastroenterol Surg 2023, 7(6):968-976.

3.    Kagawa Y, Ando K, Uemura M, Watanabe J, Oba K, Emi Y, Matsuhashi N, Izawa N, Muto O, Kinjo T et al: Phase II study of long-course chemoradiotherapy followed by consolidation chemotherapy as total neoadjuvant therapy in locally advanced rectal cancer in Japan: ENSEMBLE-2. Ann Gastroenterol Surg 2024, 00:1-9.

4.    Kagawa Y, Elez E, Garcia-Foncillas J, Bando H, Taniguchi H, Vivancos A, Akagi K, Garcia A, Denda T, Ros J et al: Combined Analysis of Concordance between Liquid and Tumor Tissue Biopsies for RAS Mutations in Colorectal Cancer with a Single Metastasis Site: The METABEAM Study. Clin Cancer Res 2021, 27(9):2515-2522.

5.    Kagawa Y, Shinozaki E, Okude R, Tone T, Kunitomi Y, Nakashima M: Real-world evidence of trifluridine/tipiracil plus bevacizumab in metastatic colorectal cancer using an administrative claims database in Japan. ESMO Open 2023, 8(4):101614.

6.    Kagawa Y, Wang C, Piao Y, Jin L, Tanizawa Y, Cai Z, Sunakawa Y: Real-World Evidence of FOLFIRI Combined with Anti-Angiogenesis Inhibitors or Anti-EGFR Antibodies for Patients with Early Recurrence Colorectal Cancer After Adjuvant FOLFOX/CAPOX Therapy: A Japanese Claims Database Study. Target Oncol 2024, 19(4):575-585.

7.    Kagawa Y, Yamada D, Yamasaki M, Miyamoto A, Mizushima T, Yamabe K, Imazato M, Fukunaga H, Kobayashi S, Shimizu J et al: The association between the increased performance of laparoscopic colon surgery and a reduced risk of surgical site infection. Surg Today 2019, 49(6):474-481.

8.    Kagawa Y, Matsumoto S, Kamioka Y, Mimori K, Naito Y, Ishii T, Okuzaki D, Nishida N, Maeda S, Naito A et al: Cell cycle-dependent Rho GTPase activity dynamically regulates cancer cell motility and invasion in vivo. PLoS One 2013, 8(12):e83629.

9.    Kagawa Y, Hata S, Shimizu J, Sekimoto M, Mori M: Transumbilical laparoscopic-assisted appendectomy for children and adults. Int J Colorectal Dis 2012, 27(3):411-413.

10.    Kagawa Y, Kato T, Naito A, Morimoto Y, Sato Y, Kuwahara R, Ishida T, Oneda Y, Murakami K, Inatome J et al: Single-site laparoscopic right hemicolectomy for acute cecal volvulus: a case report. Surg Case Rep 2016, 2(1):51.

11.    Bando H, Kagawa Y, Kato T, Akagi K, Denda T, Nishina T, Komatsu Y, Oki E, Kudo T, Kumamoto H et al: A multicentre, prospective study of plasma circulating tumour DNA test for detecting RAS mutation in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. Br J Cancer 2019, 120(10):982-986.

12.    Watanabe J, Kagawa Y, Chida K, Ando K, Kotani D, Oba K, Bando H, Hojo H, Shimamoto S, Sakashita S et al: Phase III trial of short-course radiotherapy followed by CAPOXIRI versus CAPOX in locally advanced rectal cancer: the ENSEMBLE trial. ESMO Gastrointestinal Oncology 2023, 1:9-14.

13.    Nakamura Y, Taniguchi H, Ikeda M, Bando H, Kato K, Morizane C, Esaki T, Komatsu Y, Kawamoto Y, Takahashi N et al: Clinical utility of circulating tumor DNA sequencing in advanced gastrointestinal cancer: SCRUM-Japan GI-SCREEN and GOZILA studies. Nat Med 2020, 26(12):1859-1864.

14.    Osumi H, Shinozaki E, Nakamura Y, Esaki T, Yasui H, Taniguchi H, Satake H, Sunakawa Y, Komatsu Y, Kagawa Y et al: Clinical features associated with NeoRAS wild-type metastatic colorectal cancer A SCRUM-Japan GOZILA substudy. Nat Commun 2024, 15(1):5885.

15.    Oki E, Nakanishi R, Ando K, Takemasa I, Watanabe J, Matsuhashi N, Kato T, Kagawa Y, Kotaka M, Hirata K et al: Recurrence monitoring using ctDNA in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer: COSMOS-CRC-03 and AURORA studies. ESMO Gastrointestinal Oncology 2024, 3.

16.    Nakamura Y, Tsukada Y, Matsuhashi N, Murano T, Shiozawa M, Takahashi Y, Oki E, Goto M, Kagawa Y, Kanazawa A et al: Colorectal Cancer Recurrence Prediction Using a Tissue-Free Epigenomic Minimal Residual Disease Assay. Clin Cancer Res 2024.

17.    Mizumoto R, Miyoshi N, Inoue T, Nakagawa S, Sekido Y, Hata T, Hamabe A, Ogino T, Takahashi H, Tei M et al: Laparoscopic Colectomy for Cecal Cancer and Intestinal Malrotation: A Case Report. Cancer Diagn Progn 2024, 4(3):264-269.

18.    Kobayashi Y, Uemura M, Paku M, Kitakaze M, Tei M, Kagawa Y, Takeda M, Sekido Y, Hata T, Hamabe A et al: Venous Thromboembolism Following Lateral Lymph Node Dissection for Rectal Cancer. Anticancer Res 2024, 44(2):695-701.

19.    Ishiyama Y, Hirano Y, Shiozawa M, Otsuji E, Natsume S, Akagi T, Nakajima K, Kagawa Y, Ohnuma S, Saito S et al: Risk factors of bleeding during rectal cancer surgery in obese patients in Japan. Asian J Endosc Surg 2024, 17(3):e13316.

20.    Bando H, Kotani D, Satake H, Hamaguchi T, Shiozawa M, Kotaka M, Masuishi T, Yasui H, Kagawa Y, Komatsu Y et al: QUATTRO-II randomized trial: CAPOXIRI+bevacizumab vs. FOLFOXIRI+bevacizumab as first-line treatment in patients with mCRC. Med 2024.

21.    Aoyama S, Miyazaki Y, Motoori M, Hirota M, Itami T, Matsumoto S, Hirano M, Aomatsu M, Goto T, Kitahara M et al: Cardiac tamponade complicating esophagectomy and retrosternal gastric tube reconstitution in a patient with an abnormal ascending aorta position: a case report. Surg Case Rep 2024, 10(1):48.

22.    Yuki S, Yamazaki K, Sunakawa Y, Taniguchi H, Bando H, Shiozawa M, Nishina T, Yasui H, Kagawa Y, Takahashi N et al: Role of plasma angiogenesis factors in the efficacy of first-line chemotherapy combined with biologics in RAS wild-type metastatic colorectal cancer: Results from the GI-SCREEN CRC-Ukit study. Cancer Med 2023, 12(18):18702-18716.

23.    Takiguchi N, Uemura M, Kitakaze M, Paku M, Takeda M, Sekido Y, Hata T, Hamabe A, Ogino T, Miyoshi N et al: High Level Sacral Bone Resection for Locally Recurrent Rectal Cancer. Anticancer Res 2023, 43(11):5061-5066.

24.    Shiota T, Murata K, Kishimoto M, Yao T, Noura S, Morita S, Akiyoshi T, Okamura S, Imasato M, Furuhata T et al: Clinicopathological features of appendiceal goblet cell adenocarcinoma in Japan: a multicenter retrospective study. Surg Today 2023, 53(2):174-181.

25.    Nakamura Y, Yamashita R, Okamoto W, Komatsu Y, Yuki S, Ueno M, Kato K, Taniguchi H, Kagawa Y, Denda T et al: Efficacy of Targeted Trials and Signaling Pathway Landscape in Advanced Gastrointestinal Cancers From SCRUM-Japan GI-SCREEN: A Nationwide Genomic Profiling Program. JCO Precis Oncol 2023, 7:e2200653.

26.    Matsuda C, Kudo T, Morimoto Y, Kagawa Y, Tei M, Ide Y, Miyoshi N, Takahashi H, Uemura M, Takemasa I et al: A phase II study of neoadjuvant capecitabine, oxaliplatin, and irinotecan (XELOXIRI) in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer. Ann Gastroenterol Surg 2023, 7(1):81-90.

27.    Kuboki Y, Terazawa T, Masuishi T, Nakamura M, Watanabe J, Ojima H, Makiyama A, Kotaka M, Hara H, Kagawa Y et al: Trifluridine/tipiracil+bevacizumab (BEV) vs. fluoropyrimidine-irinotecan+BEV as second-line therapy for metastatic colorectal cancer: a randomised noninferiority trial. Br J Cancer 2023, 128(10):1897-1905.

28.    Kobayashi S, Bando H, Taketomi A, Takamoto T, Shinozaki E, Shiozawa M, Hara H, Yamazaki K, Komori K, Matsuhashi N et al: NEXUS trial: a multicenter phase II clinical study evaluating the efficacy and safety of the perioperative use of encorafenib, binimetinib, and cetuximab in patients with previously untreated surgically resectable BRAF V600E mutant colorectal oligometastases. BMC Cancer 2023, 23(1):779.

29.    Kato T, Kudo T, Kagawa Y, Murata K, Ota H, Noura S, Hasegawa J, Tamagawa H, Ohta K, Ikenaga M et al: Phase II dose titration study of regorafenib in progressive unresectable metastatic colorectal cancer. Sci Rep 2023, 13(1):2331.

30.    Kato S, Miyoshi N, Fujino S, Minami S, Nagae A, Hayashi R, Sekido Y, Hata T, Hamabe A, Ogino T et al: Treatment response prediction of neoadjuvant chemotherapy for rectal cancer by deep learning of colonoscopy images. Oncol Lett 2023, 26(5):474.

31.    Hayashi Y, Motoori M, Miyazaki Y, Maekawa S, Nishizawa Y, Komatsu H, Inoue A, Kagawa Y, Tomokuni A, Fujitani K: Impact of the perioperative assessment of deglutition on postoperative respiratory complications in elderly patients undergoing gastrectomy for gastric cancer. Surg Today 2023.

32.    Watanabe J, Maeda H, Nagasaka T, Yokota M, Hirata K, Akazawa N, Kagawa Y, Yamada T, Shiozawa M, Ando T et al: Multicenter, single-arm, phase II study of the continuous use of panitumumab in combination with FOLFIRI after FOLFOX for RAS wild-type metastatic colorectal cancer: Exploratory sequential examination of acquired mutations in circulating cell-free DNA. Int J Cancer 2022, 151(12):2172-2181.

33.    Utsumi M, Yamada T, Yamabe K, Katsura Y, Fukuchi N, Fukunaga H, Tanemura M, Shimizu J, Kagawa Y, Kobayashi S et al: Differences in risk factors for surgical site infection between laparotomy and laparoscopy in gastrointestinal surgery. PLoS One 2022, 17(9):e0274887.

34.    Terazawa T, Kato T, Goto M, Ohta K, Satake H, Noura S, Kagawa Y, Kawakami H, Hasegawa H, Yanagihara K et al: The Phase II Study of Panitumumab in Chemotherapy-Naive Frail or Elderly Patients with RAS Wild-type Colorectal Cancer: OGSG 1602 Final Results. Oncologist 2022.

35.    Takeyama H, Murata K, Takeda T, Fujii M, Kagawa Y, Kawachi H, Yamaguchi T, Noura S, Masuishi T, Inoue A et al: Clinical Significance of Lymph Node Dissection and Lymph Node Metastasis in Primary Appendiceal Tumor Patients After Curative Resection: a Retrospective Multicenter Cohort Study. J Gastrointest Surg 2022, 26(1):128-140.

36.    Sumimoto S, Inoue A, Kagawa Y, Komori T, Nishizawa Y, Hirano M, Song X, Matsumoto S, Itami T, Nakai S et al: Intra-abdominal desmoid-type fibromatosis successfully resected using laparoscopic fluorescence imaging with indocyanine green after intersphincteric resection for rectal cancer. Asian J Endosc Surg 2022, 15(1):192-196.

37.    Satake H, Kagawa Y, Shinozaki E, Tanizawa Y, Jin L, Cai Z, Makiyama A: Real-World Data Analysis of Second-Line Antiangiogenic Targeted Treatments Following Anti-Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Monoclonal Antibodies and First-Line FOLFOX for Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer. Adv Ther 2022, 39(6):2596-2613.

38.    Ooki A, Morita S, Tsuji A, Iwamoto S, Hara H, Tanioka H, Satake H, Kataoka M, Kotaka M, Kagawa Y et al: Impact of early tumor shrinkage on quality of life in patients treated with first-line cetuximab plus chemotherapy for unresectable metastatic colorectal cancer: results of Phase II QUACK trial. BMC Cancer 2022, 22(1):711.

39.    Mizukami T, Takahashi M, Sunakawa Y, Yuki S, Kagawa Y, Takashima A, Kato K, Hara H, Denda T, Yamamoto Y et al: Genomic Landscape of Primary Tumor Site and Clinical Outcome for Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Receiving Standard-of-Care Chemotherapy. Target Oncol 2022, 17(3):343-353.

40.    Miyo M, Mizushima T, Nishimura J, Hata T, Tei M, Miyake Y, Kagawa Y, Noura S, Ikenaga M, Danno K et al: Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on colorectal cancer surgery in Japan: Clinical Study Group of Osaka University-A multicenter retrospective study. Ann Gastroenterol Surg 2022, 7(1):121-130.

41.    Kato A, Miyoshi N, Ohtsuru T, Sakai D, Hasegawa J, Nakata K, Imasato M, Kato T, Ikenaga M, Kudo T et al: A Phase II Study of Dose-reductive XELOX Plus Bevacizumab in Elderly or Vulnerable Patients With Metastatic Colorectal Cancer (MCSGO-1202). Anticancer Res 2022, 42(4):1859-1865.

42.    Hata T, Kawai K, Naito A, Kagawa Y, Kitahara T, Hiraki M, Shinke G, Katsuyama S, Katsura Y, Ohmura Y et al: Short- and Long-Term Outcomes of Single-Incision Laparoscopic Surgery for Right-Side Colon Cancer. Eur Surg Res 2022, 63(4):196-202.

43.    Boku S, Satake H, Ohta T, Mitani S, Kawakami K, Suzuki Y, Matsumoto T, Terazawa T, Yamazaki E, Hasegawa H et al: TRESBIEN (OGSG 2101): encorafenib, binimetinib and cetuximab for early recurrent stage II/III BRAF V600E-mutated colorectal cancer. Future Oncol 2022, 18(38):4153-4160.

44.    Bando H, Nakamura Y, Taniguchi H, Shiozawa M, Yasui H, Esaki T, Kagawa Y, Denda T, Satoh T, Yamazaki K et al: Effects of Metastatic Sites on Circulating Tumor DNA in Patients With Metastatic Colorectal Cancer. JCO Precis Oncol 2022, 6:e2100535.

45.    Yamaguchi T, Murata K, Shiota T, Takeyama H, Noura S, Sakamoto K, Suto T, Takii Y, Nagasaki T, Takeda T et al: Clinicopathological Characteristics of Low-Grade Appendiceal Mucinous Neoplasm. Dig Surg 2021, 38(3):222-229.

46.    Terazawa T, Kato T, Goto M, Ohta K, Noura S, Satake H, Kagawa Y, Kawakami H, Hasegawa H, Yanagihara K et al: Phase II Study of Panitumumab Monotherapy in Chemotherapy-Naive Frail or Elderly Patients with Unresectable RAS Wild-Type Colorectal Cancer: OGSG 1602. Oncologist 2021, 26(1):17-e47.

47.    Takahashi T, Yamazaki K, Oki E, Shiozawa M, Mitsugi K, Makiyama A, Nakamura M, Ojima H, Kagawa Y, Matsuhashi N et al: Phase II study of trifluridine/tipiracil plus bevacizumab by RAS mutation status in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer refractory to standard therapies: JFMC51-1702-C7. ESMO Open 2021, 6(2):100093.

48.    Shinozaki E, Makiyama A, Kagawa Y, Satake H, Tanizawa Y, Cai Z, Piao Y: Treatment sequences of patients with advanced colorectal cancer and use of second-line FOLFIRI with antiangiogenic drugs in Japan: A retrospective observational study using an administrative database. PLoS One 2021, 16(2):e0246160.

49.    Okuyama H, Kagawa Y, Masuishi T, Mishima S, Shirasu H, Ando K, Yuki S, Muro K, Yoshino T, Yamazaki K et al: Infusion-related reaction to ramucirumab plus FOLFIRI in patients with advanced colorectal cancer. Int J Clin Oncol 2021, 26(11):2025-2028.

50.    Oki E, Watanabe J, Sato T, Kagawa Y, Kuboki Y, Ikeda M, Ueno H, Kato T, Kusumoto T, Masuishi T et al: Impact of the 12-gene recurrence score assay on deciding adjuvant chemotherapy for stage II and IIIA/B colon cancer: the SUNRISE-DI study. ESMO Open 2021, 6(3):100146.

51.    Nakata K, Komori T, Saso K, Ota H, Kagawa Y, Morita S, Noura S, Hayashi N, Uemura M, Matsuda C et al: Pre-emptive oral clarithromycin reduces the skin toxicity of panitumumab treatment for metastatic colorectal cancer. Int J Colorectal Dis 2021, 36(12):2621-2627.

52.    Nakajima H, Kotani D, Bando H, Kato T, Oki E, Shinozaki E, Sunakawa Y, Yamazaki K, Yuki S, Nakamura Y et al: REMARRY and PURSUIT trials: liquid biopsy-guided rechallenge with anti-epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) therapy with panitumumab plus irinotecan for patients with plasma RAS wild-type metastatic colorectal cancer. BMC Cancer 2021, 21(1):674.

53.    Kato T, Kagawa Y, Kuboki Y, Gamoh M, Komatsu Y, Yasui H, Satake H, Oki E, Tanioka H, Kotaka M et al: Safety and efficacy of panitumumab in combination with trifluridine/tipiracil for pre-treated patients with unresectable, metastatic colorectal cancer with wild-type RAS: The phase 1/2 APOLLON study. Int J Clin Oncol 2021, 26(7):1238-1247.

54.    Inoue A, Murata K, Komori T, Takeda T, Fujii M, Yamaguchi T, Yamaguchi T, Masuishi T, Shiota T, Morita S et al: Open versus laparoscopic surgery for primary appendiceal tumors: a large multicenter retrospective propensity score-matched cohort study in Japan. Surg Endosc 2021, 35(10):5515-5523.

55.    Hasegawa H, Taniguchi H, Nakamura Y, Kato T, Fujii S, Ebi H, Shiozawa M, Yuki S, Masuishi T, Kato K et al: FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT3) amplification in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. Cancer Sci 2021, 112(1):314-322.

56.    Ooki A, Morita S, Iwamoto S, Hara H, Tanioka H, Satake H, Kataoka M, Kotaka M, Kagawa Y, Nakamura M et al: Patient-reported symptom burden as a prognostic factor in treatment with first-line cetuximab plus chemotherapy for unresectable metastatic colorectal cancer: Results of Phase II QUACK trial. Cancer Med 2020, 9(5):1779-1789.

57.    Sueda T, Murata K, Takeda T, Kagawa Y, Hasegawa J, Komori T, Noura S, Ikeda K, Tsujie M, Ohue M et al: Survival outcomes of appendiceal mucinous neoplasms by histological type and stage: Analysis of 266 cases in a multicenter collaborative retrospective clinical study. Ann Gastroenterol Surg 2019, 3(3):291-300.

58.    Shitara K, Yamanaka T, Denda T, Tsuji Y, Shinozaki K, Komatsu Y, Kobayashi Y, Furuse J, Okuda H, Asayama M et al: REVERCE: a randomized phase II study of regorafenib followed by cetuximab versus the reverse sequence for previously treated metastatic colorectal cancer patients. Ann Oncol 2019, 30(2):259-265.

59.    Naito A, Kagawa Y, Kawai K, Takeno A, Takeda Y, Ohtsuka M, Suzuki Y, Imasato M, Fujie Y, Nakaba H: Surgical Resection of Colorectal Cancer With Distant Metastases to Other than Liver or Lung. in vivo 2019, 33(5):1605-1608.

60.    Oki E, Kato T, Bando H, Yoshino T, Muro K, Taniguchi H, Kagawa Y, Yamazaki K, Yamaguchi T, Tsuji A et al: A Multicenter Clinical Phase II Study of FOLFOXIRI Plus Bevacizumab as First-line Therapy in Patients With Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: QUATTRO Study. Clin Colorectal Cancer 2018, 17(2):147-155.

61.    Nishimura J, Hasegawa J, Kato T, Yoshioka S, Noura S, Kagawa Y, Yasui M, Ikenaga M, Murata K, Hata T: Phase II trial of capecitabine plus oxaliplatin (CAPOX) as perioperative therapy for locally advanced rectal cancer. Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology 2018, 82(4):707-716.

62.    Iwamoto S, Ooki A, Morita S, Hara H, Tanioka H, Satake H, Kataoka M, Kotaka M, Kagawa Y, Nakamura M et al: A prospective Phase II study to examine the relationship between quality of life and adverse events of first-line chemotherapy plus cetuximab in patients with KRAS wild-type unresectable metastatic colorectal cancer: QUACK trial. Cancer Med 2018, 7(9):4217-4227.

63.    Tamura S, Takeno A, Taniguchi H, Katsura Y, Ohmura Y, Kagawa Y, Sakisaka H, Takeda Y, Kato T: Induction Chemotherapy Using FAP for Patients with Stage II/III Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Esophagus. Anticancer research 2015, 35(5):2975-2982.

64.    Takahashi H, Nishimura J, Kagawa Y, Kano Y, Takahashi Y, Wu X, Hiraki M, Hamabe A, Konno M, Haraguchi N et al: Significance of Polypyrimidine Tract-Binding Protein 1 Expression in Colorectal Cancer. Mol Cancer Ther 2015, 14(7):1705-1716.

65.    Nonaka R, Miyake Y, Hata T, Kagawa Y, Kato T, Osawa H, Nishimura J, Ikenaga M, Murata K, Uemura M et al: Circulating miR-103 and miR-720 as novel serum biomarkers for patients with colorectal cancer. Int J Oncol 2015, 47(3):1097-1102.

66.    Naito A, Yamamoto H, Kagawa Y, Naito Y, Okuzaki D, Otani K, Iwamoto Y, Maeda S, Kikuta J, Nishikawa K et al: RFPL4A increases the G1 population and decreases sensitivity to chemotherapy in human colorectal cancer cells. J Biol Chem 2015, 290(10):6326-6337.

67.    Nonaka R, Nishimura J, Kagawa Y, Osawa H, Hasegawa J, Murata K, Okamura S, Ota H, Uemura M, Hata T et al: Circulating miR-199a-3p as a novel serum biomarker for colorectal cancer. Oncol Rep 2014, 32(6):2354-2358.

68.    Matsumoto S, Fujii S, Sato A, Ibuka S, Kagawa Y, Ishii M, Kikuchi A: A combination of Wnt and growth factor signaling induces Arl4c expression to form epithelial tubular structures. EMBO J 2014, 33(7):702-718.

69.    Ohta K, Haraguchi N, Kano Y, Kagawa Y, Konno M, Nishikawa S, Hamabe A, Hasegawa S, Ogawa H, Fukusumi T et al: Depletion of JARID1B induces cellular senescence in human colorectal cancer. Int J Oncol 2013, 42(4):1212-1218.

70.    Kano Y, Konno M, Ohta K, Haraguchi N, Nishikawa S, Kagawa Y, Hamabe A, Hasegawa S, Ogawa H, Fukusumi T: Jumonji/Arid1b (Jarid1b) protein modulates human esophageal cancer cell growth. Molecular and clinical oncology 2013, 1(4):753-757.

大阪 淀屋橋 大江橋 水の都

Yoshinori Kagawa

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